

A series of video-interviews
8 Episodes available: Toshio Hosokawa, Catherine Kontz, Philippe Manoury, Camille Kerger, Francisco Alvarado, Carola Bauckholt, Jessie Marino & Alexander Müllenbach.

Designed by United Instruments of Lucilin, the video-interview series « Profiles » is aimed to present from a different angle the composers with whom the ensemble had worked with.
In this series, they can talk about their music and their process of course, but also sharing their thoughts about larger subjects, more political or societal, and
What is at stake is to highlight the fact that the words and thoughts of the artists have a great deal in contemporary creation.
This series will present several Luxembourgish and international composers of diverse backgrounds.


Episode 1: ​Toshio Hosokawa (JP *1955)
Japanese composer renowned worldwide, the first episode focuses on Toshio Hosokawa, whose composition style mixes new music with traditional Japanese sounds. In 2012, he composes the monodrama « The Raven », which is dedicated to United Instruments of Lucilin and has been premiered (scenic version) at the Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg in 2012. This piece is regularly performed by Lucilin or other ensemble around the world.


Episode 2: Catherine Kontz (LU *1976)
Based in London, Catherine Kontz is performed regularly by Lucilin, in Luxembourg and abroad, with most recently « Snakes and Ladders », a composition for a small ensemble with a giant score on the ground, as a reference to the board game.

In this interview, the composer speaks about her first composing attempts, and many more to discover in this episode, enhanced with extracts from « Kartenspiel » and « The Moon Moves Slowly [But It Crosses The Town] ».


Episode 3: Philippe Manoury (FR *1952)
Philippe Manoury is one of the most established French contemporary composer all around the world. His thinkspiel « Kein Licht » (staging by Nicolas Stemann) has been interpreted by United Instruments of Lucilin for 20 representations in Europe and a recording by Arte Concert. This project also won a Fedora Prize for the most innovative opera/musical theater production.


Episode 4: Camille Kerger (LU *1957)

Major Luxembourgish composer and active member of the cultural sector, Camille Kerger is one of the composers who have been supporting Lucilin throughout the years et whose new pieces are regularly premiered. His powerful piece « Wish » for saxophone solo interpreted by Olivier Sliepen regularly stands out during our concerts abroad.


Episode 5: Francisco Alvarado (CHI *1984)


Episode 6: Carola Bauckholt (DE *1959)


Episode 7: Jessie Marino (DE *1984)


Episode 8: Alexander Müllenbach (LU *1949)



All the videos of the series are on our Youtube channel !


The « Profiles » series is co-produced with the Centre National de l’Audiovisuel.
Video: Jean Huot, Skillab
Sound engineer: Philippe Mergen, CNA
Questions: defined by Lucilin’s artistic committee
Interview: Florence Martin, Lucilin
The musical extracts have been recorded in the CNA’s studio, by United Instruments of Lucilin’s musicians.