
Momo, den Zirkusjong

A show for young audiences, based on Momo by Pascal Dusapin.

Pitt Simon has his little habits. Every Friday at lunchtime, he heads to his favourite Sardinian restaurant, chez Bettina, with two or three scenario proposals under his arm.
Sitting under a still life painting, he reads aloud a story that he will later perform in a theatre or a cinema. Sometimes, two pages are enough for him to know that it is not interesting, and he will then politely decline the proposal to the author. However, today, the story fascinates him. His favourite table becomes the playground, the pepper pot a little boy, the water jug an elephant, the spaghetti carbonara a smooth rope. Even the old painting framed above him becomes the projection of this starry track. Pitt tells us the story of Momo, a circus child. The regular customers are captivated, and in exchange for the dish of the day, a small family orchestra, « the Lucilins », accompanies the storyteller. So every Friday lunch at Bettina’s is almost sold out. But come in, there is still a table free just for you…

Pascal Dusapin, music. Leigh Sauerwein, texts. Nico Helminger, translation. Lionel Ménard, stage direction.
Pitt Simon, himself. Maria Del Pilar Blanco Iglesias, Mme Bettina.

André Pons-Valdès, violin. Ingrid Schoenlaub, cello. Max Mausen, clarinet. Guy Frisch, percussions. Stéphanie Junio, mandolin.

De Momo lieft am Zirkus, dëst zesumme mat sengem Grousspapp Huberto, ee ganz renomméierte Clown. A senger Fräizäit leeft hien am léifsten tëschent de Karawane ronderëm a kuckt der Akrobatin Bettina no. Wann et no sengem Bopa geet, soll de Momo spéiderhin och emol Clown ginn, mee leider huet de Bouf d’Clowne guer net gären…

Zum Gléck sinn d’Déieren aus dem Zirkus dem Momo seng Frënn. Si hëllefen him erauszefannen, wien hie wierklech ass a wou seng Plaz ënnert dem Zirkuszelt ass. Bei dësem Spektakel, an deem sech Theater, Musek an d‘Welt vun de Märecher vermëschen, handelt et sech ëm eng lëtzebuergesch Adaptatioun vum Stéck Momo (2002), kreéiert vum franséische Komponist Pascal Dusapin.

Language: Luxembourgish
Age: 4-7 years old (cycle : 1-2.1)
Duration: 40 min

A coproduction United Instruments of Lucilin, CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels d’Ettelbruck, Kulturhaus Niederanven, Théâtre Municipal d’Esch/Alzette

With the support of the Fondation Indépendance.

Photos: © Sébastien Grébille

Kulturhaus Niederanven,